Bel’s mission is to share smiles to more and more families around the world through the flavor and nutritional richness of our dairy products. A diary pleasure made from the best milk.
Mission, Vision and Values
To create value for our collaborators, shareholders, clients, suppliers and communities through the acquisition of our clients’ choice in the dairy market through the distinctive quality of our offers, the trust in our brands and the availability of our products, internally and externally conveying our social responsibility, collaborative culture, enthusiasm and positive attitude.

The values

Ousar (To Dare)
To dare is vital to our market leadership. It encourages all our employees to actand helps them to make decisions in a complicated and unpredictable world. The agility of our organization and the teams’ enthusiasm encourage the creativity and challenges of the status quo. Daring fuels innovation and performance in all of our work areas.
Cuidar (To Care)
For us, caring is the guiding spirit in our internal and external company relations, a spirit reflected in our Sharing Smiles signature. We strongly believe in relations that are close, straightforward and demanding but fair. We nurture a climate of trust and respect that cultivates the desire to grow, act, and succeed. Like our brands, we are convinced that the optimism and the enthusiasm make the difference as factors that transform society.
Comprometer (To Commit)
We commit individually and collectively to achieve the operational excellence in all of our activities. Our commitment take into account the expectations of all our stakeholders, including our employees, consumers, institutions, clients and suppliers. We contribute to achieve the Group’s ambitions through the business development, the quality standards and the respect for our environment.